Saturday, 30 June 2018

Water rationing

22nd June
Back on Henley mooring after 2 nights at Cookham and a gas alarm on boat this morning!! Took a while but we cleared it and realised that this system is so sophisticated and sensitive that we have to get used to it and not panic. 

Henley even busier as it is the start of the regatta: women's rowing. Great atmosphere and the weather is perfect. 

We have no water filter on here and intend to get one fitted. Meantime we are using flagons of bought water for drinking and cooking. It is a good lesson in water saving as is boat water use in general ( always turn off the shower whilst soaping yourself )! Cooking becomes a new process - thinking of ways of boiling veg/pots in one pan using same water. This boat only has 3 burners on the hob which also focuses your plans. Anyway, so far a successful salad nicoise (eggs,pots and beans in same pan, easy cos it's all cold in the end), sausages, pots, 2 green veg and fried onions and (meal 3); pots, beans and pesto (easypeasy). I wonder how we actually sometimes use all 5 burners at home plus the oven! 

We have discussed with narrowboat friends how little you can actually do without when you want to and boating really proves all that. 
That said, the extra luxuries on this boat are nirvana after our narrowboat - you can walk all around the bed for a start! 

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