Time 0420
Flight level350
Time to kl 2.24
Distance to kl 1267
Distance from EGLL5845
Oat 12. Bloody warmer up here than Westbourne
Ground speed quite quick
The suns up in Brisbane
I do hope that satisfies all the statistical amongst you. It was well worth lugging that sextant and silva compass all the way here mind you I started the calculation in the taxi just south of Guildford
Flight level350
Time to kl 2.24
Distance to kl 1267
Distance from EGLL5845
Oat 12. Bloody warmer up here than Westbourne
Ground speed quite quick
The suns up in Brisbane
I do hope that satisfies all the statistical amongst you. It was well worth lugging that sextant and silva compass all the way here mind you I started the calculation in the taxi just south of Guildford
Location:Bay of Bengal
Clever of you to be using your iPad whilst flapping your wings!